
1. Introduction

  Procedure for Updating this Manual  
1.1 Introduction  
1.2 The Concept of Safeguarding  

2. Key Principles

2.1 An Integrated Approach  
2.2 A Shared Responsibility  
2.3 Working in Partnership with Children and Families  
2.4 Race, Ethnicity and Culture  
2.5 Record Keeping  
2.6 Supervision and Staff Development  
2.7 Knowsley Helping Children Thrive  
2.8 Information Sharing  
2.9 Good Practice Supporting the Voice of the Child  

3. Significant Harm and Sources of Stress

3.1 The Concept of Significant Harm  
3.2 What is Abuse and Neglect  
3.3 Physical Abuse  
3.4 Emotional Abuse  
3.5 Sexual Abuse  
3.6 Neglect  
3.7 Sources of Stress for Children and Families  
3.8 Past Abuse  
3.9 Responding to Child Neglect in Knowsley - Practitioner Guidance  

4. Managing Individual Cases where there are Concerns about a Child's Safety and Welfare

4.1 Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)  
4.2 Knowsley MASH (Multi-Agency Referral Form)  
4.3 Early Help Assessment Framework in Knowsley  
4.4 Knowsley Engaging Families Toolkit  
4.5 Child Protection – Information Sharing Project  
4.6 The Role of the Team around the Family (TAF) and Lead Practitioner  
4.7 Child Protection Conferences Updated
4.8 Multi-Agency Child Protection Standards Updated
4.9 Multi Agency Practice Guidance for Core Groups Updated
4.10 Pre-birth Child Protection Conferences Updated
4.11 Recording that a Child is Subject to a Child Protection Plan Updated
4.12 Guidance for Recording Child in Need and Child Protection Visits Updated
4.13 Children Moving Across Boundaries  
4.14 North West ADCS Notification and Transfer Protocols: Children Moving Across Local Authority Boundaries Procedures
(Knowsley Children's Social Care Operational Procedures)
4.15 Cross-Border Child Protection Cases Under the 1996 Hague Convention  
4.16 Step Up / Step Down Procedure Updated
4.17 Pan Merseyside Procedure – Parenting Capacity and Learning Disability  

5. Specific Circumstances (Statutory Guidance)

5.1 Allegations against Staff, Carers and Volunteers  
5.2 Perplexing Presentations and Fabricated or Induced Illness  
5.3 Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Multi-Agency Protocol  
5.4 Forced Marriage and Honour Based Abuse Protocol  
5.5 Honour Based Violence  
5.6 Organised/Multiple Abuse  
5.7 Care Plus - A Protocol for Joint Investigation in Merseyside  
5.8 Child Sexual Abuse in the Family Environment  
5.9 Children who Display Inappropriate and Harmful Sexual Behaviour: Procedural Guidance  
5.10 Sexually Active Young People under the Age of 18 in Knowsley  
5.11 MAPPA  
5.12 Abuse of Disabled Children  
5.13 Children from Abroad, including Victims of Modern Slavery, Trafficking and Exploitation  
5.14 Abuse Linked to Spiritual and Religious Beliefs  
5.15 Safeguarding Children and Young People Against Radicalisation and Violent Extremism  
5.16 Care Leavers Released from Custody Protocol - joint working arrangements between Childrens Social Care (CSC), Youth Offending Service (YOS), and Probation Service.  
5.17 Guidance for Safe Recruitment, Selection and Retention for Staff and Volunteers  

6. Specific Circumstances (Non Statutory Guidance)

6.1 Knowsley Graded Care Profile 2  
6.2 Knowsley Safeguarding Children Partnership Multi-Agency Neglect Strategy (2023 - 2026)  
6.3 Children Living Away from Home (including Private Fostering and Children Living in Temporary Accommodation)  
6.4 Abuse by Children and Young People  
6.5 Anti-Bullying Strategy  
6.6 Domestic Abuse and Reduction Strategy  
6.7 Operation Encompass - under review  
6.8 Children of Drug and/or Alcohol Misusing Parents  
6.9 Children of Parents with Learning Disabilities  
6.10 Mental Ill Health of a Parent or Carer  
6.11 Child Abuse and Information and Communication Technology (ICT)  
6.12 Children Who Run Away or Go Missing From Home or Care Policy Updated
6.13 Children Missing Education and Pupil Mobility Policy  
6.14 Children Visiting Psychiatric Wards and Facilities  
6.15 Visits to Prisons by Children  
6.16 Pan Merseyside Multi-Agency Child Exploitation Protocol 2020  
6.17 Children Affected by Gang Activity and Youth Violence  
6.18 Concealed Pregnancies  
6.19 Pan Merseyside Protocol: Bruising in Children who are Not Independently Mobile - A Protocol for Assessment, Management and Referral by Health Practitioners  
6.20 Joint Homeless Prevention Protocol for Children aged 16 and 17
(Knowsley Children's Social Care Operational Procedures)
6.21 Dangerous Dogs and Safeguarding Children Updated
6.22 Pre-birth  
6.23 Multi-Agency Safe Sleeping Guidance  
6.24 Knowsley Multi-Agency Child Exploitation Policy and Procedure Updated
6.25 Having a Child Through Surrogacy  
6.26 Self Harm and Suicidal Behaviour  
6.27 Children who Run Away or go Missing from Home or Care Policy  
6.28 National Referral Local Doc  
6.29 Transitional Safeguarding  

7. Child Death

7.1 Merseyside Child Death Overview Panel Protocol - under review  
7.2 Merseyside Joint Agency Protocol: Sudden Unexpected Death in Childhood (SUDiC) (for Children aged 0 to under 18 yrs)  

8. Serious Case Reviews

8.1 Serious Incident Review Group (SIRG) Procedures  
8.2 Child Safeguarding practice reviews - Notifiable incidents process guidance  
8.3 Notifiable Incidents Process
8.4 Knowsley Safeguarding Children Board Learning and Improvement Framework  
8.5 Multi-Agency Reflective Review Policy  
  See also: Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel - Guidance for Safeguarding Partners and Child Protection Professionals on What the Panel Does and How it Works  

9. Complaints and Resolutions

9.1 Complaints and Resolutions  
9.2 Multi Agency Escalation Policy  

10. Appendices

10.1 Legal Considerations in Relation to Immediate Protective Action  
10.2 Agenda for Signs of Safety Strategy Discussion - Meeting for MASH, CP and CLA  
10.3 Child Protection Conference Agenda Updated
10.4 Knowsley Safeguarding Children Partnership Information for Initial Child Protection Conference Members  
10.5 Information for Child Protection Review Conference Members  
10.6 Local Contacts Updated
10.7 Amendments