8.3 Notifiable Incidents Process


This chapter reflects the Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018 Notifiable Incidents criteria and process,i.e where there has been the death of a child or serious incident. All those with a responsibility for children should be aware of this chapter.

This chapter was included in the manual in February 2016.

1. Criteria

Notifiable Incidents are those that are laid out in Working Together as follows:

A notifiable incident is an incident involving the care of a child which meets any of the following criteria:

  • A child has died (including cases of suspected suicide), and abuse or Neglect is known or suspected;
  • A child has been seriously harmed and abuse or Neglect is known or suspected;
  •  A Looked After Child has died (including cases where abuse or neglect is not known or suspected); or
  • A child in a regulated setting or service has died (including cases where abuse or Neglect is not known or suspected).

2. Process

  1. The local authority should report any incident that meets the above criteria to Ofsted and the relevant LSCP promptly, and within five working days of becoming aware that the incident has occurred;
  2. For the avoidance of doubt, if an incident meets the criteria for a Serious Case Review / Child Safeguarding Practice Review then it will also meet the Criteria. There will, however, be notifiable incidents that do not proceed through to a Serious Case Review or Child Safeguarding Practice Review;
  3. In Knowsley, a Director/HofS Incident Notification form (Appendix 1: Notifiable incident submission) needs to be completed by the Manager of the team that is dealing with the case. This needs to be done within 24 hours of the incident and a copy of the form should be emailed to those listed on the form. In addition, a verbal conversation should also take place with the Manager of the Safeguarding and Quality Assurance Unit (SQAU) as soon as an incident is identified;
  4. Upon receipt of the Incident form the SQAU will consult with the LSCP Board Manager and make the decision if the incident is notifiable. The SQAU will then notify Ofsted via the Ofsted's website. A copy of the completed notification will be kept securely by the SQAU on the internal SharePoint site;
  5. The Head of Service concerned will be asked by the SQAU Manager to complete a SIRG referral form (Appendix 2: Referral Form for Serious Incident Review Group Consideration of a Case Review) if following discussion between the chair of the SIRG, the Board manager and the SQAU Manager it is determined that the incident is notifiable and needs to be progressed to the SIRG.