6.8 Children of Drug and/or Alcohol Misusing Parents
This chapter was reviewed and amended in June 2023 to add detail in relation to local guidance.1. | Drug or alcohol misuse of a parent or carer does not necessarily have an adverse impact on a child, but it is essential to assess its implications for any children involved in the family. These children are recognised as being vulnerable and it is this vulnerability that needs to be assessed. |
2. | Drug or alcohol misuse of a parent can have an impact on children in a number of ways, including:
3. | Substance misuse by parents does not automatically indicate child abuse or neglect; therefore the children of parents who misuse substances should not automatically be the subject of a Child Protection Conference. Such an approach may deter the parents, or other members of the family from approaching Children's Social Care, substance misuse services or other agencies, for help and advice. If neglect is a concern in such circumstances a graded care profile 2 should be completed (see Knowsley Safeguarding Children Partnership Multi-Agency Neglect Strategy). |
4. | The risk of physical injury to a child sleeping next to an adult, occurring as a result of the adult lying over or against the child (over lay), is recognised. The risk is increased if the adult is sedated due to the effects of alcohol and/or prescribed or illicit drugs. It is therefore essential that professionals working with the parents or carers of babies or young children educate parents and carers about safe sleeping arrangements, particularly those known to misuse substances where such risk to children will be higher. Practitioners should seek advice and guidance from appropriate agencies such as the Change Grow Live Integrated Recovery Service (Tel: 0151 546 9557). |
5. | It is therefore important that any professional involved with a parent or pregnant woman who also misuses substances is able to identify those factors which may have an adverse impact on the ability of the parents to safely care for and meet the needs of the children, and refer such concerns appropriately to Substance Misuse Services, Health Visitors, Specialist Midwives and to Children's Social Care in accordance with Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH). Pre-Birth assessments should reflect the current plans to safeguarding child on birth, in line with midwifery plans, if substance misuse is a concern either alcohol or drugs in line with the Pre-Birth Policies. For younger children health visitor support/BABs should be engaged with C&F assessments to ensure that safety of child is central to decision making. |
6. | Those parents who are misusing substances but who are not accessing treatment services should be referred to services who will work with them to help break down the barriers to their accessing treatment services. Change Grow Live Integrated Recovery Service (Tel: 0151 546 9557). |
7. | Children's Social Care will undertake a children and family Assessment if required following MASH decision making. If neglect is a feature a graded care profile 2 should accompany the MARF, Multi agency referral form. Early Help support should always be considered as part of neglect concerns to consider a graduated response (see Early Help Assessment Framework in Knowsley Procedure). However, as with any other situation where there is concern that a child is at risk of Significant Harm urgent section 47 referrals should be made. |
8. | Assessment of the risk of Significant Harm to children where one or both parents, or other member of the household, misuses substances, should consider the following: